Is BPS Safer Than BPA?

As we all know, plastic production is huge, and some of the substances involved in plastic manufacturing can be harmful to us and our environment. One of these substances found in plastics are bisphenol-S (BPS) and Bisphenol-A (BPA). What are these substances? Is any of them any better than the other? Is BPS safer than BPA?
Is BPS Safer Than BPA?
While many people have concerns about the safety of BPA, a recent study shows that BPS is just as harmful and can even interfere with our hormones. According to this research, we can experience a range of problems from obesity to cancerous growth due in large part to these toxic chemicals.
We know that BPA is a toxic chemical, and we're all trying to avoid it. What about BPS?
What Is BPS and How Does It Compare to BPA?
BPS stands for bisphenol-S, a similar compound to BPA in the plastics industry. Like BPA, BPS is an extra component in plastics to make them more durable and transparent.
BPS was present in the urine of 93% of Americans tested by the CDC. Like BPA, exposure to even small amounts can lead to several serious health problems, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
BPS has similar effects to BPA, including the tendency to act like estrogen in the body. This can lead to serious health problems ranging from cancer and infertility to thyroid disorders and cardiovascular disease.
Is There Evidence That There Is BPS In Water Bottles?
Researchers tested 250 empty plastic bottles used for soft drinks or water sold in several countries. They found that more than 70% of the samples leached chemicals that act like estrogen.
BPS was one of the most commonly detected compounds. 83% of the bottles tested positive, making it the most common compound leaching out of plastic.
How Can I Reduce My Exposure to BPS?
You can reduce BPS exposure by cutting down on canned goods since the lining in most cans contains BPS. Keeping away from polycarbonate plastics (e.g., #7 plastic) containing both BPA and BPS also helps.
Consider avoiding "BPA-free" plastics if they contain either bisphenol-A or any bisphenols (e.g., BPS). These chemicals may be just as toxic and disruptive to your hormones, not to mention bad for the environment.
What Is BPA and What Is It Used For?
BPA stands for Bisphenol-A. It's a chemical widely used in the manufacturing of plastics and epoxy resins. Since BPA is not present in many products, companies are replacing it with chemicals like BPS. This is because they're cheaper and less likely noticeable to consumers.
BPA may be in food and beverage containers, serving ware, eyeglass lenses, compact discs, water bottles, dental composites, and sealants. BPA may also be in household dust. Exposure occurs primarily through ingestion or skin contact during the handling of thermal paper cash register receipts.
BPA is linked to prostate cancer, obesity, early puberty in girls, diabetes, ADHD, and other serious health problems.
How Can You Avoid Exposure to BPA?
Since BPS is similar to BPA, it would make sense that you should avoid exposure. Try not to use plastic containers for food storage or water bottles. Also, try using glass baby bottles instead of plastic ones.
If possible, do all your shopping with reusable grocery bags and metal or glass containers. Though the data is promising, the FDA has not yet banned BPS as they did with BPA.
There has been a lot of debate around the dangers of BPA used in plastics and cans. For years we have heard that it is better to use BPS instead because it is safer than BPA. However, new research shows us that this may not be true at all.
What Kind Of Health Problems Are Associated With Exposure?
A large amount of our diet comes from canned foods and plastic bottles containing BPA or BPS. Studies have found that most people face exposure to BPA, and likely BPS too daily, mainly through canned food products and plastic containers.
Surprisingly, more people are not speaking out on this issue as it's poisoning almost every person in North America. Here is a list of some of the health problems associated with exposure:
- Cancer and tumor growth
- Genetic damage
- Impaired sperm production and fertility issues
- Early puberty
- Disrupted reproductive cycles
- Stimulation of mammary glands
- Development and ovarian dysfunction
Alternatives to BPS and BPA Products
There are many alternatives to products with these chemicals in them. Unfortunately, BPA is mainly in products packaged in glass jars or plastic bottles, leading to harmful health effects. Some manufacturers have started using PET containers instead of polycarbonate ones because they do not contain BPA chemicals.
A great solution would be to start using stainless steel bottles instead of plastic ones, which is a safer alternative. Hydro Cell water bottles provide a healthy and sustainable alternative to products with BPA chemicals.
In an analysis conducted by Don’t Waste Your Money experts, Hydro Cell water bottles were ranked 3rd in twelve top products. They were also the best wide-mouth bottles from over 30 models reviewed as the best reusable water bottles.
Related Questions
What Is The Most Common Way to Get Exposed to BPS and BPA?
The vast majority of people are likely getting exposed to BPS and BPA from ingesting food or liquid packaged in containers containing BPA chemicals. They include polycarbonate bottles, plastic water bottles, food cans, and more.
What Effects Does BPS Have On The Body?
A recent study from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston found that even small amounts of BPS in the body can impact the normal functioning of a cell, which could lead to metabolic disorders and diseases like asthma, diabetes, obesity, and birth defects.
For now, manufacturers need to start producing other safer packaging materials such as stainless steel. We will have to avoid products packaged in polycarbonate containers and different types of plastic packaging containing BPA and BPS chemicals. Hydro Cell offers the best hydration solutions with bottles engineered to be healthy for you and the environment.